siempre he ligado mis emociones a un buen momento en torno a la mesa, a los preparativos de Navidad o de los cumpleaños, o esos fines de semana donde mi ama se esmeraba para que todo estuviera a punto. lo unico malo es que en esos momentos no te das cuenta y tienes otros intereses y no me esforzaba por aprender realmente a cocinar, hasta que me casé...
Me casé y no sabia ni hacer un huevo frito, pero todas esas experiencias y emociones volvieron con naturalidad a mi mente, se me aparecian imagenes de mi madre haciendo una tortilla de patata, o preparando unos caracoles a la vizcaina, esas imagenes son las que me han ayudado a hacer que la cocina sea para mi un mundo nuevo y con muchas posibilidades, donde se pueden unir la tradición y la creatividad.
Mi amatxu ya tiene 79 años y le he pedido esta vez con ruegos que ponga en una libreta sus recetas, no quiero que se pierdan, quiero que sus conocimientos traspasen a sus niet@s, que perdure esa sabiduria culinaria que le fue transmitada por su madre y por la madre de su m
Since i was little i have breathed the smells and felt the tastes of my Amatxu´s cooking also the ones of my grandmother, it was the women´s Universe concentrated in a few square meters, where they talked about life, the good things and bad ones, we enjoyed talking meanwhile cooking, family and friends always stopped in my mother´s kitchen, what memories¡¡¡...
i have always linked my emotions to a good moment around the table, doing the preparations for Christmas or for a birthday party or the long weekends where my mother did her best to have everything set up, the only bad thing was that in those moments you were not aware and had other interests and did not effort myself to learn...until i got married...
Yes, i got married and did not know even how to fry eggs, but all those experiences and feelings came to my mind naturally, it appeared images of my mother doing a Spanish omelette or Bizkaine Scargotts, these images helped me to make the Cooking a new world with a lot of new opportunities where i can combine the tradition and the creativity.
My mother is now age 80 and at the end she has accepted to writte down of her recipes after begging her, i do not want this tradition loose and want her kwnoledge goes to her grandsons and granddaughters, that the culinary knowledge that was transmitted by her mother and her´s mother mother, entire generations conected with the aim to do a good recipe which shows through them the love these mothers felt for their family.